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Both men and women of all ages, lose their natural lip color either due to genetics, age-related loss of definition or from scarring caused by fever blisters, dog bites, burn or accident victims.  Permanent lip blushing suits busy business women, hectic moms, those with active lifestyles seeking to minimize time spent on reapplying makeup and those that simply want to look their best at all times! Please note that Lip Blush does NOT heal to look like a bold lipstick. Upon healing it actually more closely resembles a soft tinted lip balm.




Restores the shape and natural color of lips

Adds fullness and volume

Correct asymmetrical lip shapes

Restore definition

Recreate your favorite lip color

Camouflage harelip

Lip corrections of old permanent makeup

Restore color (burn victims)

Correct lip scars caused by cold sores, etc




Permanent lip procedures cause trauma to the lips that may trigger cold sore out breaks. To prevent this from happening, we require you take an antiviral like Lysine (available at any drugstore in the vitamin aisle) for 7 days prior to your appointment or if you’re prone to cold sores, like me, a prescription of *Valtrex* from your doctor (1 pill the day before and the day of your treatment and 1 a day for 4 days following your treatment). This is SUPER IMPORTANT. Do NOT skip this step.

While this is a really gentle treatment and there is no ‘down time’ as such, normal swelling may occur, which is effectively managed with the application of ice-packs for the initial 24 to 48 hours.




The healing process is relatively short :3-5 days. After the required 6-8 week perfecting session, you can expect your lip blush to last anywhere from 3 to 5 years depending on your lifestyle. However,  a color boost may be requested to refresh the color at any time you feel your lips have become dull as long as it has been at least 1 YEAR since your initial appointment.

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It is required that you consult with your Physician prior to taking, altering or stopping any form of medication and/or supplements, or making changes to your dosing cycles, etc.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a good fit for the lip blushing procedure. The following is a list of contraindications that would make this procedure inadvisable:

  • Under 18 years of age

  • Diabetes

  • Glaucoma

  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the site that is to be treated

  • History of cold sores (HOWEVER- Many clients avoid cold sore breakouts by taking a Valtrex cycle (prescribed by your physician) prior to their appointment.

  • Allergies to makeup or colors (red dye, etc)

  • Easily triggered post inflammatory hyper pigmentation

  • Transmittable blood conditions like HIV or Hepatitis

  • Active skin cancer in the area to be tattooed

  • Hemophiliac

  • Healing disorders 

  • Blood thinners (consult with your physician- requires a doctors note)

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure or mitral valve disorder

  • Accutane or Steroid users (consult with your physician- requires a doctors note

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(574) 891-0245

©2025 | The Brow Co Aesthetics Studio, LLC

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